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RECAP | Revenge is served as FLICK PALMATEER is eliminated from AUSTRALIAN SURVIVOR

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Welcome to Tuesday night’s S8 episode 15 of Australian Survivor: Heroes vs Villains. 11 castaways remain. The castaways are feeling vengeful after last nights blindside. Let’s recap.

After switching alliances and voting off David, Matt feels like a naughty schoolboy who has escaped the principals office. The Spice girls are so 1990s and the alliance has re-named themselves ‘the vigilantes’ after what Nina suggested to call the tribe a few days ago.

“We’re so bad,” Matt snickers.

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Shonee Fairfax, Australian Survivor: Heroes vs villains (Image - 10)
Shonee Fairfax, Australian Survivor: Heroes vs villains (Image – 10)

It’s day 30 on the newly merged tribe Fa’amolemole and Shonee is ticked off. Flick has broken girl code. “Flick not only went against me but it was her idea to get me out last night. Of all people, I just saved her last tribal council.”  Shonee vents.

“She is 100% my next target. I saved her and she betrayed me, all I can smell now is revenge.”

– Shonee Fairfax

The meat tray alliance – Shaun, Sam, Nina and Flick – are considering renaming themselves the pity party after finding themselves in the minority.

Meanwhile, our new lone wolf Simon is beside himself. He voted with the vigilantes last tribal and sided with George despite going after his blood for the first 10 eps of the game. But can he really trust the very people who blew his previous game, his bromance and tried to vote him off?

Of course not, he’s a free agent and is going to go where the wind takes him. (Wolf howls).

Liz and Hayley, Australian Survivor: Heroes vs villains (Image - 10)
Liz and Hayley, Australian Survivor: Heroes vs villains (Image – 10)

No time for reward, it’s straight to immunity challenge where everyone tries to hold onto buckets of water as long as possible. Riveting stuff. Liz outlasts Hayley and the rest of the tribe and is immune from being voted out at tonight’s tribal council.

Liz and Hayley, Australian Survivor: Heroes vs villains (Image - 10)
Liz wins immunity, Australian Survivor: Heroes vs villains (Image – 10)

After the immunity challenge, George calls a vigilantes board meeting. They want to give “Flick the flick.” The meat tray minority are desperately trying to find cracks in the vigilantes and are frustrated to find there are none, there only hope is to find an idol. Which conveniently Shaun has been holding onto for the past 20 days but has told absolutely no one.

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At tribal, we see the most dramatic twist of the season… Simon and George are besties (for now).

George and Simon Australian Survivor: Heroes vs villains (Image - 10)
George and Simon BFFs. Australian Survivor: Heroes vs villains (Image – 10)

You know who else could have been BFFs? Shonee and Flick but Flick decided to go back to the meat tray alliance post merge and Shonee decided to get revenge.

Flick becomes the first member of the survivor jury.

Flick Palmateer, Australian Survivor: Heroes vs villains (Image - 10)
Flick Palmateer, Australian Survivor: Heroes vs villains (Image – 10)

“Now that the good ship vigilante has left port, how long will the smooth sailing last before it hits rough seas?”

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Samantha Kirkley
Samantha Kirkley
Samantha Kirkley is a Melbourne based writer and taking over the internet one blog post at a time.

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