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Natasha Exelby

Latest: Natasha Exelby

NATASHA EXELBY returns from Jungle wilderness to rejoin 10 NEWS FIRST

Fan favourite Natasha Exelby is returning to Television after an extended break, with confirmation she will join the 10 News First team in Melbourne.

Humans of Twitter Episode 190 – Natasha Exelby

Speak loud & clear; Aunty Tash; Extremeism; Wake Up; Good comes out of bad - this is another episode in the Humans of Twitter podcast series.

ABC responds to reported demotion of Newsreader Natasha Exelby

What started as a humorous on-air gaffe by newsreader Natasha Exelby has turned into social media outrage for ABC News after it was reported the newsreader has been demoted from her on-air role.