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First Dates

Latest: First Dates

Wanted, First Dates and Seven Year Switch returning in 2017

Channel Seven has confirmed locally produced drama series, Wanted has been commissioned for a second series.

Humans of Twitter Episode 92 – Jo Thornely | @jothornely @HumansOfThis

Smelling Jermaine Jackson; I don't know how glass works; Personality supermodel - this is another episode in the Humans of Twitter podcast series.

Humans of Twitter Episode 85 – Nicholas Nicholas | @nicknicktweets @HumansOfThis

The Nicholas Nicholas origin story; First Dates; I suck on Tinder - This is another episode in the Humans of Twitter podcast series.

REVIEW: First Dates | @Channel7 #FirstDatesAU

First dates can be excruciating - and that's even before the potential boyfriend/girlfriend appears. There's your anxieties, and your worries, and then there's the chance to have that first date in a restaurant full of other people on first dates in front of potentially millions as the TV cameras buzz, pan and zoom in on you. *shudder*

Will Seven find the love with First Dates | @Channel7

There’s someone out there for everyone, and when the First Dates restaurant sets the table, hopeful singles from across the country will have a chance of meeting their dream partner.