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2008 – The Year in Photos

With the year fast drawing to a close I have once again made use of Animoto.com to edit together some of...

Latest: Rachele

Noosa Holiday Photo’s turned into Music Video

Recently I have discovered a great new website called Animoto. The site makes it very easy to turn your favourite photo collections into music...

Rachele & Travis riding scooters at St Kilda – Video

Here is a short video of Rachele & Travis riding there scooters at the St Kilda boardwalk, the video was taken on our Christmas...

Rachele’s first day at school – Video

Here is a short video taken of Rachele just before she went to school for the first time. Apologies for the poor audio quality.

Rachele & Travis playing Basketball – Video

Rachele is a big basketball fan, and for months has been practicing to get the ball through the hoop. Travis is also a big basketball...

The Night that Santa Came to Visit – Video

Just before Christmas we had a small party with some of our closest friends, half way through the night the kids got a...

Rachele & Travis find out if Santa has been!!! – Video

Just what the title says, catch all the excitement (and bad hair!) of Christmas morning.

Rachele & Travis attend Swimming Lessons

9:12 min Here is a short video featuring Rachele & Travis at there swimming lessons. It was filmed on the 19th of September. The...

Rachele rides bike without training wheels

Rachele rides bike without training wheels