Whod’a thunk it?
- Total TV Overnight Top 30 and Consolidated 7 Top 30 National Total TV reach is calculated using cumulative unique audiences watching 1 min of broadcast TV and 15 sec of BVOD.
- Total TV National audience is calculated using the audience average for the program as time-coded by the Network across 5CM and all regional markets nationally watching on broadcast TV and BVOD.
- BVOD national audience is calculated using the total number of minutes watched (including co-viewing) divided by the length of the program.
Commercial primetime:
Married At First Sight S12 (1,620,000 avg) on Nine
Australian Idol S10 (1,030,000 avg) on Seven
I’m A Celebrity…Get Me Out Of Here! Australia S11 (591,000 avg) (lw 511k) on Channel 10
The Sunday Project (256,000 avg) (lw 220k) on 10
ABC primetime:
Muster Dogs: Collies & Kelpies S03 premiere (772,000 avg)
The Newsreader S03/final season premiere (432,000 avg)
Love Me S02 FTA premiere (178,000 avg)
Commercial later primetime:
60 Minutes S47 premiere (960,000 avg) on Nine
Billy Joel: Live at Madison Square Garden (466,000 avg) on Seven
rpt MOVIE — Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit (248,000 avg) on 10
Network | Total TV | Broadcast | BVOD |
Nine | 34.43 | 32.54 | 46.43 |
Seven | 26.71 | 28.01 | 18.41 |
ABC | 16.91 | 17.02 | 16.18 |
10 | 13.78 | 14.52 | 9.10 |
SBS | 7.42 | 7.03 | 9.88 |
Weekend Sunrise 365,000 avg
Weekend Today 259,000 avg
Weekend Breakfast 254,000 avg
2025 season return Insiders 482,000 avg on ABC
2025 season return Offsiders 353,000 avg on ABC
Service | Time | O’nights (avg) |
ABC News | 7pm-7:30pm | 852,000 |
Seven News | 6pm-7pm | 1,367,000 |
Nine News | 6pm-7pm | 1,258,000 |
10 News First | 5pm-6pm | 349,000 |
Total TV Overnight Top 30 Programs
Total TV Consolidated 7 Top 30 Programs
Data © OzTAM Pty Limited 2025. The data may not be reproduced, published or communicated (electronically or in hard copy) in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of OzTAM.
Note: Program performance and ranking information subject to change when not based on final program logs. Programs with the same name on one or more primary or multichannel, are aggregated into one network figure.