A $50,000 payment from entrepreneur Adrian Portelli has ended Alex Cullen’s time at the Today Show, following a swift internal review by Channel 9.
Over the weekend, Cullen agreed to stand down from his position at the network following revelations that he had received a $50,000 payment from billionaire Adrian Portelli, a transaction that was widely documented on social media.
A Nine spokesperson confirming the news to TV Blackbox this morning, saying:
“Nine has agreed with TODAY presenter and journalist Alex Cullen that he will finish with the network following a review into a recent incident.”
Portelli, tired of being known as “Lambo Guy” after arriving at Nine’s The Block auction in 2022 in a bright yellow Lamborghini, had publicly offered $50,000 to the first media personality who would refer to him as “McLaren Guy” on-air.
Cullen quickly seized the opportunity during a Today Show cross while presenting live from the Australian Open in Melbourne on Friday, with co-host Karl Stefanovic even joining in on the joke.
The payment quickly raised questions about journalistic ethics and impartiality. When Channel Nine became aware of the situation, it launched an internal review, and Cullen agreed to stand down from his sports presenting role on the network’s flagship breakfast show.
The news was announced on-air this morning by colleagues and co-presenters of Today Karl Stefanovic and Sarah Abo, who shared:
“As most of you are well aware, our colleague Alex Cullen has not been on air with us this past week.”
“There has been widespread reporting on the circumstances surrounding this, what I can say is that last night, Alex and Nine agreed that he would finish with the network.”
“Alex has, of course, been part of the Today family for five years now, he’s always ready with a smile and a laugh and without hesitation speaking for all of us here, we can say that we are going to miss him terribly, that’s for sure.”
“Alex is a terrific fella, what you see is what you get and he has been a great mate to all of us over these years and we wish Alex, his wife Bonnie and his beautiful kids all the very best for the future.”
It is understood that Nine’s internal policies and procedures include strict guidelines on third-party commercial agreements for on-air talent, which ultimately led to Cullen’s departure after 5 years with the broadcaster.
It is believed that fellow Nine presenter and journalist Roz Kelly will likely fill in on a short-term basis until a permanent replacement is confirmed.
*This story updates
Hope he gets a bigger and better job ,
Handing the money back would of been sufficient. Pretty ridiculous channel 9.
Scott Cowan and the say nothing to Carl
Jules Quinn protected species
Yet Tony Jones still has a job. 🤡
Brett HughesTony is a dribbler.
Bato Danny Ivan he’s a bloke protected species
Brett Hughes Tony did nothing wrong nor did Alex
Brett Hughes Alex gets booted and Tony keeps his job you have got to be joking chan 9. Give Jelena Dokic job she’s ten times better than Tony Jones. Rethink it 9 executives.
This is so dumb.. but it’s ok for 9 and lmct to rig the block
Watching channel 7 from now on…honestly channel 9 you are pathetic
Diana D’abate soooo woke
Oh no!!!!!
Good, using his position to garner 50k what a grub. If he had donated it, it would have been a different story. Good riddance!
Guy Paterson he said he would donate it but channel 9 didn’t give him a chance so Adrian has donated it on Alex’s behalf
Diana D’abate Channel 9 didn’t need to give him a chance, accepting the money is a clear breach of company policies. Had he instructed Adrian to donate the money on his behalf, without handing over his bank details, that might’ve been a different story. In any case, presenters accepting “cash for comment” no matter how well intentioned is not a good look and Nine had to take action.
Diana D’abate Yeah Right
Kyle Laidlaw oh to be so perfect…..
Adrienne Dransman I can accept he might’ve made a judgement in error by accepting the money, but there are clear policies in every workplace about what you can and cannot do. And just sometimes, depending how serious, those mistakes cost you your job. I feel for the guy, but these are the consequence of decisions he made.
Guy Paterson he was always going to donate it and it has been donated on his behalf! Don’t tell me you wouldn’t do it?
Michelle Griffith YEAH!!
Michelle Griffith agreed bring Alex back and get rid of Karl
Alex was one of the best….I will boycott channel 9 now
Would they have done it to Karl ? 🧐
Gavin Wright I highly doubt it
Gavin Wright Karl is bulletproof.
God he was named and shamed, was that not enough? That is too sad
Kathy Jones agree
I say boycott Mclambo MAN his ego caused a great journo a great loss and unknown damage shame on him
What a joke, shame on channel 9. I hope channel 7 snap him up and gets rid of Natalie Barr on sunrise.
Jennifer Willson not a joke he took that lowlife money
Christopher Chet For a joke. He should have been given a second chance.
Chris Jones lol
Christopher Chet no he didnt
Jennifer Willson 7 sunrise sacked him 5 yrs ago
Viv Stenner channel 9 sacked karl, but he is back on
Jennifer Willson he left 7 to go to 9
Jennifer Willson or maybe sky news we will see him again l am sure of that
Jennifer Willson he was at channel 7 before going to channel 9. They dropped his show and him
Jennifer Willson why should they get rid of Nat. Dont watch Sunrise.
Jennifer Willson agree 9’s loss
Jennifer Willson Natalie Barr is one nice lady. I do hope Channel 7 snap him up though. Channel 9 has lost me about all this.
Amanda Cruickshanksread the previous comment
Jennifer Willson if he goes to channel 7 so will I he’s the only reason I watch channel 9
Jennifer Willson do you understand employment law?
Jennifer Willson umm … hire a journalist who hasn’t even read his own code of ethics? Not sure he’s a prize.
… and the knucklehead gave the money back
Mark Costello it was said if he won he would give it to charity an he did. Your the knuckle head..
Christine Casson charity was thrown in after it became news, knucklehead
actions have consequences.
So ridiculous
Yet Karl can do whatever he wants
Portelli will give him a job. Stupid of Alex to do what he did but gave Nine a further excuse to trim their sails
stupid thing to do over his career
Use the 50k for sum Lmct+ packages 📦
What a joke channel 9 but you will surely have that guy that caused all this back to buy all your houses when the Block is back on air because no normal person can afford to bid on them , a bit of double standards isn’t it
ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING!!!! Great smile, so warm and genuine and they do this? BOOT TONY JONES!!!!!!!
Bring him back
Viv Stenner rules are rules
TViv Stenner sorry get rid of him….his salary was more than he needs….good by ALEX now we can enjoy Today
All the best to Alex. Wishing him all good things for his future. Channel Nine will regret their decision.
Brenda Morgan True.
Bring him back Alex shame on channel nine
Janet Zeller I’m sure that Tony Jones will do an admirable job as Alex’s replacement.
Janet Zeller absolutely agree 💯
Good can’t stand him
Love seeing Alex on the show be sad to see him go
Very sad . Karl’s done worse
Soooo wrong what they did he did nothing wrong
Your a joke channel 9 hope you go bust and hope Alex finds something eles soon wherever he goes I will follow
The money was donated to charity.
Julia Short After he returned it to Adrian, then it was donated to charity.
At the end of the day Alex received the money. He should’ve known better.
I’d have preferred they pushed Tony Jones out though.
So sad. We should all boycott channel 9
I feel this is so blown out. Very unnecessary.
Good luck alex
Alex great buy but he broke media rules … hope he can move on from this
See if Karl got in first there would not be an issue Channel 9 should be ashamed of themselves
Michelle Heynen I
Shine if that woke Brooke Bonney did it ,, god forbid
Lynette Garland yep me too
Bring Alex back Ch9 or l have tapped out!
Nine wont win any friends here… the Nine chiefs are the ones who need the AXE !!
Sorry to see u go nines loss I say lf McLaren man says u we’re always going to give the 50.000 to charity than 9 has no gripe any other station will snap u up go to sunrise and really stick to them where it hurts
Channel 9 and the Today show can get fucked now
Sky News or The Project?
He donated the 50k
I reckon Katl had something to do with it, dared him to to it, feeling threatened his head is on the chopping block. Alex would be a much better host then Karl.
Anita Huttonthey both deserve each other, the old saying sleep with dogs you will get fleas
I hope another channel sign him up and give him way more money than nine did. He is worth a lot more than that $50,000 anyway
Get rid of Tony Jones instead, the Novak thing was childish and unprofessional
Me to
He is such a touch of fresh air
Genuinely awesome respectful human
What about Tony Jones naturally arrogant and what he said was ok
Yes bring him back
No great loose
A VERY SAD DAY for viewers. We disagree with channel 9. Has Tony still got his job?
bring him back to seven
Tracey Cole
He took a bribe !
Won’t be watching chanel 9.
Should have been Karl.
He has a huge amount of experience and offers ahead of him.
.go for it…
It’s a shame however he should know the rules and not overstep the mark
Sadly he did wrong thing but i really enjoyed Sam Armytage over hols far better than what 9 has
He definately is !
Another one gone 👍🏼
What a load of BS
Yep…always 9 but not now
No worries, Alex! When one door closes, another one opens. You’ll find something that’s an even better fit for you, and you’ll rock it! Keep your head up, and remember: you’re a Country Bloke, through and through! 😎🇦🇺
You will be missed alex hope they bring you back
Leave him alone his human like the rest of us. We all make mistakes. Put him on 7 bugger channel 9 they will be sorry. His better than Karl.
Bring him back please 🥺🥺
Hope another Chanel gives him a job it’s 9s loss
Channel 9 now the moral police ? Give me a break!
Bring back Alex.he is a good bloke.
Bring him back
Good luck 🍀
Bring him back
So Tony Jones can say what he said ( unprofessional) but Alex Cullen gets sacked for what he said, double standards in my eyes. SHAME ON YOU CHANNEL 9
All the best Alex
Sad it shouldve neva of happened social media do ur thing bring back alex
Channel 9 what have you done. A beautiful soul made a stuff up. Perhaps a reprimand would have been suffice. You knew the money was agreed to go to charity before you sacked Alex. Shame shame shame
I watch Channel 7 ,better than 9 !!!!
One of my favourite presenters
Will not watch channel nine
Then getvrid of Karl he is a scum bag an one big idiot
Bring Alex Back.
Who is this wannabe
Typical of channel 9 not having the balls to stand up for and defend their staff. Love to see some of their top execs come adrift!!!
Well if I did that where I work, I’d get my marching orders too. It’s called a conflict of interest. And I’m a nice person also.
Good luck Alex. We will miss your beautiful smile.You have lost me channel nine But I suppose you don’t care
Bring Alex back
The only time I watch that channel is for the Tennis .& I do like David Campbell & Georgie Gardner.i wish them all the best .Hopefully channel (7) will sign Alex up .👏👏👏
Hay 9 I thought majority wins fuk n bring.him back or your ratings will drop
Seriously wrong move. I’m sure all your hosts accept gifts. Let’s check they all go to concerts that some people can’t afford and get the best seats and brag about being there. So maybe sack everyone. Entitled hosts 😞
You have become a station with dubble standards channel 9 totally pathetic sacking one of your best employees 😡
Love Alex and who care what he did . Shame on 9 for this stupid act
No back to 9
Shame on channel 9 what a joke
Stupid ch.9 this will do alot damage
Paul johns NEW sports reader 9 TODAY
He is Far too good for Ch9 anyway.!!!
Channel 9 loss
He should go on the project liven that show up it’s so boring
Should get his job back
This will come back to bite you channel 9 he was the best of the lot
They got Karl back , he will be back.. he was the best on 9
Shame on you 9!!!! How about you look into the ‘under the table’ money Karls taken ‘over the years!!’🤨🤨🤨🤨
I hope Ch 9 Execs read these comments – seems to be alot of public support for Alex!!