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Sunday VOZ Ratings | ABC lands a big win with SPICKS AND SPECKS return and new comedy AUSTIN

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It was a busy night with Seven offering split viewing due to a Sunday evening AFL game which rated well.


  • Total TV Overnight Top 30 and Consolidated 7 Top 30 National Total TV reach is calculated using cumulative unique audiences watching 1 min of broadcast TV and 15 sec of BVOD.
  • Total TV National audience is calculated using the audience average for the program as time-coded by the Network across 5CM and all regional markets nationally watching on broadcast TV and BVOD.
  • BVOD national audience is calculated using the total number of minutes watched (including co-viewing) divided by the length of the program.


Dream Home Australia (443,000 avg) (lw 808k) on Seven and Seven’s AFL: Sunday Night Football (Essendon Bombers v Carlton Blues) (532,000 avg) on Seven split their markets well to deliver competitive viewing, though Beyond the Dream (580,000 avg) on Nine was the line honours commercial leader. MasterChef Australia (512,000 avg) (lw 610k) on Channel 10 slipped decidedly on last week though was in the hunt.

The Sunday Project (318,000 avg) (lw 309k) on 10 keeps airing and a few people keep watching it.

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The ABC had a big win in primetime, with the season eleven return of Spicks and Specks (682,000 avg) paired with the premiere of the simply excellent comedy Austin (594,000 avg). More of both please, Aunty. ABBA: Against the Odds (377,000 avg) dropped into the later primetime slot though didn’t have the same success.

60 Minutes (518,000 avg) (lw 780k) on Nine took later primetime commercially with distinct ease – the later timeslot for 7News Spotlight (265,000 avg) (lw 487k) on Seven really hurt it (second week running, with a significant drop this week)…noting it also ran late in AFL-affected states, which of course affected its result–and these results are not available/visible in the VOZ figures, which is a real failure of the new system. Granularity by state/cap city is necessary to understand this nuance.

Whilst the AFL is a priority, shunting it to a much later start doesn’t make the network look like it wants the show to succeed after a first half of the year full of turmoil. A conspiracy theorist might even suggest they were scheduling Spotlight later for a possible ratings-based cancellation…though that is hotly denied by the PR Jedis at Seven and said conspiratrist couldn’t possibly offer the idea with any inside knowledge. Why not just give it a rest for the week rather than subject it to this kind of conjecture?

Meanwhile, 10 keep airing Tulsa King (161,000 avg) (lw 214k) and nobody keeps watching it.


NetworkTotal TVBroadcastBVOD
(Network + affiliates; FTA shares; 6pm-midnight; all figures %)


Weekend Sunrise 366,000 avg
Weekend Today 282,000 avg
Weekend Breakfast ,000 avg

Insiders 510,000 avg

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ServiceTimeO’nights (avg)
ABC News7pm-7:30pm833,000
Seven News6pm-7pm1,245,000
Nine News6pm-7pm1,156,000
10 News First5pm-6:30pm310,000 (5pm)
,000 (6pm)


Total TV Overnight Top 30 Programs

Total TV Consolidated 7 Top 30 Programs

Data © OzTAM Pty Limited 2025. The data may not be reproduced, published or communicated (electronically or in hard copy) in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of OzTAM.

Note: Program performance and ranking information subject to change when not based on final program logs. Programs with the same name on one or more primary or multichannel, are aggregated into one network figure.

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Steve Molk
Steve Molkhttps://tvblackbox.com.au/author-steve-molk/
Steve Molk is sharply focused on the business of TV in Australia across all its formats - FTA broadcast, commercial, subscription, catch up & BVOD. Based on the Central Coast of NSW he's a passionate advocate for Australian-made programming, particularly drama and comedy. He loves podcasting, gaming & watching too much TV. For all media enquiries please call or text 0401-709-405

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